Trivia Rankings: 19 June 2024

Another wonderful week of trivia for the assembled out at Tomato Jake’s! Obviously some folks are on holiday so we’ll see you when you get back. Meanwhile, it’s the last few days of voting for Best of the Triangle. Please cast your ballot by Friday (and encourage others to do the same). We can win this with your gracious help! Here are the links…

Best Trivia (if Tomato Jake’s wins, I’ll double the prizes that week and Glen says: “If we win BEST Trivia, the week after our win all players will eat for free that night. Free Food and Free ice cream.”)

Best Pizza

Best Wings

Best Realtor (If Jon Fletcher wins, he’ll give out ten $10 gift cards!)

This week, the chat was about game boards, rock operas and the sounds of our state. Plus there was this box office boffo…

Here’s a quick snapshot of the stats…

14 teams (93%) recognized the Princess Bride quote

11 (73%) figured out the royal line of succession

7 (46%) guessed the Muppet who could’ve gone to space

6 (40%) knew the Founding Father with an alias

Now let’s look at the scores for the week: High was 60 (a perfect game), low was 10 and the average was 43. We’ll do it again next Wednesday, Quizlings! See you in sebben!

Happy Birthday, Elizabeth!   60
Sticky Wicket55
Drowning In Shrimp54
O’Trivia Newton John53
Our Whole Team Voted52
Say Hey Kids50
Sturdy Squad48
Wiki Stickits46
Party Of One39
Billericay Dickie38
Blood And Cheese36
Saggie Plus Jamy34
Whisky Galore!26
Never Too Late10

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