Posts Tagged ‘Toddlers’

Eat Me

October 22, 2021

What is it about babies that makes people become pseudo-cannibals? I mean, when some folks see a baby, it’s all goo goo and ga ga noises and phrases like, “I could just eat you up!” and “Let me nibble on those fingers!” and “Look at that widdle leg – makes me want to just eat it like a drumstick!” Seriously? This is acceptable conversation with a newborn? Oh, they say the wee ones don’t understand, that the infant brain isn’t developed enough to know what is being said, but I think they DO get it and I think that’s why everything is just so screwed up. I mean it’s one of two scenarios in play here – either Jonathan Swift was onto something or the human race is just eternally clawing its way out of a bottomless pit of dysfunction.

Pass the salt.


July 1, 2018


Five Misunderstood Condiments





Chow Chow


Five Rarely Used Team Mascots

The Pomegranates

The Masseuses

The Kielbasas

The Surly Welshmen

The Priaprisms


Five Dog Breeds That Sound Snooty



Brussels Griffon

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever


Five Toaster Faux Pas

More than one Pop Tart in single slot

Allowing Slenderman anywhere near it

Inserting tongue

Throwing it at toddlers

ANY fetish activity


Five Alarming Yet Completely Made Up Statistics

8 out of 10 teenagers have killed a neighbor

56% of postal carriers sneeze on the mail they deliver

¾ of U.S. homes are built on Native American burial grounds

11 million Americans think all maps are to scale

99 out of 100 farts are silent but deadly